Sad News

We are saddened to share the loss of Kathy Marien on April 19, 2021 in St. Petersburg, Florida. Kathy served as  the Mirror Lake Protective Association (MLPA) treasurer. Kathy’s husband Gene Kelley is the MLPA President. Kathy Marien’s funeral and burial arrangements are in Chatham, NJ where Kathy grew up. The viewing  will be at Bradley’s funeral home in Chatham NJ on Sunday April 25th and the funeral at St Patrick’s Church on Monday April 26th. Our thoughts and prayers are with Kathy, Gene  and their families.

MLPA Yard Sale

Save up your favorite items for the MLPA Yard Sale! You may have a table for selling or simply attend for fun and great deals. Date: Saturday August 31 Time: 9:00am-2:00pm Place: Mirror Lake Community Church Rt 109

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